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I am very happy to finally announce Chapper 1.2.

This is the biggest update Chapper has seen so far – so get it here for download now.

There are so many changes – where to start? Well, the most visual change is the possibility to theme Chapper to your needs. During the beta phase some of the users (and I) already created quite some really great themes – and if you want to create your own feel free and have a look at the documentation.


And it’s not “only” about themes in general – you now can change the font sizes to your needs.

Next big thing: Links can now be inserted using the MarkDown syntax (like [Link title]( which will be rendered by most client as linked text. The same is true for images. Oh, and if you have an Url in your clipboard while pressing the add link button the title of the page will be retrieved automatically.


Want to get rid of a user? Chapper now has a context menu on the users to mute and/or block users. (Sorry @timpritlove in the screenshot – I wouldn’t block you for sure :))



Having posted something wrong or in the wrong context? Well, you now have a button to delete your post or message (yes, even in Patter rooms @nhk :)).

Patter rooms became quite confusing as every single one needed its own tab. This is gone and they are now shown in a dropdown instead.

Let me summarize all the other new and changed stuff for you:

  • Tabs are now represented by icons instead of text (less space needed)
  • Completely rewritten code about the compose box (getting post target etc.)
  • Direct message button is now hidden if user will not receive your private messages due to privacy settings
  • Replying to a post with multiple mentions now also mentions those users
  • When closing a tab Chapper now jumps to the previously selected tab instead of the last one
  • Images are now also shown if they are within a repost
  • Verified domain is now shown in user info
  • On personal messages the receiver is displayed if you are the sender
  • Replying to a post with multiple lines now not shows multiple lines as overlay in compose box anymore
  • Displaying and sending error messages on posting fail added (optional)
  • Finally fixed stream markers in my and unfied stream as well as in mentions (they broke in 1.0 final and I did not notice till now…)