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Winslew 1.2.1 is out now already for some days and I wanna give you a short preview on what you can expect to get when Winslew 1.3 will be finished. There is one big new feature in the works: A third offline view type. As with Winslew 1.2.1 we have two of them: “Less” and “More”. With 1.3 the third one will be called “Full”.

Full will download the webpage including as much media data as possible meaning it will fetch the used Images as well as the CSS informations of the page and make them available offline. The good news is that this new fetching algorithm is already completed and doing a great job. The bad news is that it takes quite some time per page to download and parse all the stuff. So I will spend some more time on the updating mechanism which shall be run in the background in the future so you can access the articles already when cache is being build. See an example here.

The original online version:


And the downloaded cache version available offline:


See how close the offline version comes to the one you read online? Cool, isn’t it?

As a small addition there will be a print function for the currently view item.
Winslew 1.3 is planned somewhere in the second half of April for now.